Category Classification
Seed Every type of seeds.
Plants All sort of plants and plant items including herbal products.
Machinery Heavy machinery for industrial use.
Waste Any kind of waste and scrap products.
Raw Material All sort of Industrial raw materials.
Flowers Every kind of flowers.
Oil All kind of industrial, crude, filtered oil.
Gas Any type of Gas in any form.
Vehicles All sort of motor power vehicles.
Category Classification
Live Animal Every type of live animal including Exotic, Non Exotic, Livestock.
Animal Products All kind of animal products including Ivory etc with the Exception non prohibited and non exotic leather products.
Meat Any type of meat item be it raw, semi cooked or cooked.
Seafood Any sort of seafood item.
Batteries All lithium ion battery.
Photography Equipment Any sort of camera and photography equipment.
Communication Equipment All sort of communication equipment including radio frequency, jamming, snooping or surveillance.
Radio Active All kind of radio active material including medical equipment.
Aerospace Equipment Any sort of aerospace equipment.
Drone Military and Civilian drones for personal and business use.
Weapons Every sort of weapon from the range of Air gun.
Toys Every type of toys for children and adults.
Gem Jewelry All sort of precious stone, metal, jewelry items.
Dangerous, Restricted, Prohibited Goods All Dangerous, Restricted and Prohibited items.