Category Classification
Electronic Components All kind of electronic components and spare parts.
Electronics PCB All kind of printed circuit boards.
Solar Panels All kind of Solar Panel including Monocrystalline & Polycrystalline.
Electronics Devices General domestic use Electronic devices which does not contain Lithium Lon
Leather Shoes Leather Shoes for Men, Women and Kids which are not made with exotic and prohibited animal skins.
Leather Garments All sort of leather garments for Men, Women and Kids which are not made with exotic and prohibited animal skins.
Leather Travel Goods All sort of bags which are not made with exotic and prohibited animal skins.
Cotton Bale All sort of cotton bales.
Cotton Clothes All kind of Cotton clothes.
Rice All type of Rice.
Tea Every different kind of tea.
Soybeans All soybean products not limited to seed, oil, chunks or animal food.
Cashew All sort of Cashew.
Mango All sort of Mango.